OUM celebrates its 25th anniversary on 10 August this year, and this issue of inspired serves as a prelude to the special issue that the next will be, offering a focused look at “25 Years of Humanising Digital Education”, the theme of this milestone.
The lead-in article of inspired 24 frames the theme by clarifying OUM’s definition of digital education and our
efforts in placing the human, rather than technology, at the heart of the education we deliver. The issue then segues into a retrospective of OUM’s key achievements in 2024 at the halfway mark of our four-year strategic plans, presented by Prof Dr Ahmad Izanee Awang, OUM’s President/Vice- Chancellor. It then turns to an interview with Prof Datuk
Dr Mohd Tajudin Md Ninggal, Vice President/Deputy Vice- Chancellor (Academic & Research), followed by the regular ‘In Conversation’ column, this time featuring Dr Rahmat Budiman from Universitas Terbuka. Issue 24 subsequently showcases a contribution on Islamic Studies in the digital era by Nur Bakri Abd Hamid, a lecturer from OUM’s Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, before presenting special guest features by Emeritus Professor Junhong Xiao and Prof Paul Prinsloo. As usual, the issue closes with the my_philosophy column.
Even as we were producing this issue, we were already deep into preparing the next, special issue, which will be the twenty-fifth in sequence, matching the number of years since OUM’s founding. Sheer coincidence or divine planning? We leave that to you to decide.
We hope you enjoy this issue and we are sure, like us at
inspired, you are eagerly anticipating the next.
Dr David Lim, Editor