Editorial Note

Going into the third issue, inspired is pleased to announce my_philosophy, a new regular column in this thrice-yearly e-newsletter. my_philosophy is an attempt to put a face – or a series of faces – to OUM academics broadly defined here to encompass internal faculty as well as external tutors, facilitators, subject-matter experts, and academic consultants. For nearly two decades, OUM academics past and present have worked anonymously to deliver quality higher education to our learners, and featuring some of them here is but a small tribute to their contribution.

The idea behind my_philosophy is to showcase at least one academic per issue but with an accent on the personal educational philosophy that drives each of them. To kick things off, a bumper three OUM academics are introduced in this issue.

The inspired team hopes you will enjoy the other articles in this issue too, including the feature on the new myOUM mobile app, and a five-minute interview with OUM’s President/Vice-Chancellor, YBhg Prof Dato’ Dr Mansor Fadzil.

Lastly, on behalf of OUM, inspired wishes all its readers a happy new year, a productive semester ahead, and a prosperous lunar new year!

Dr David Lim